Synopsis: College junior, Tyrone Becker, and college freshman, Brie O’Hara, are locked in a battle of ‘he said-she said’ at a rape trial. The two have conflicting versions of the affair. It is a battle of the sexes as their colleagues/friends react to the events of the ongoing trial and express outrage at the opposite sex as they argue over who is lying and who is telling the truth. Things get more complicated seeing that some students are also witnesses and so their relationship with either party could influence their testimonies as well as bring about personal dilemmas when faced with the decision of loyalty or getting blackballed by association. Meanwhile, the college administrators try to fix their reputation in the media after coming under scrutiny and receiving backlash for their incompetent approach to the incident on campus; with evidence of a cover-up.
Created By: Kurt Andre Russell
Produced by: Romane Orlando Robb (writer, director, and executive producer), and Kurt Andre Russell (writer and executive producer).
The one-sheet pitch (OSP) can be found HERE.